News and contributions
From the world of integrated mediation
Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.
Why does mediation not take off?
This question came up at the conference of Integrated Mediation. The title of the conference was “Understanding 3.0”. It took place the 28th und 29th of November 2015 in Cologne. The title should introduce the main conference’s issue, whether and how mediation is able to improve society. The result of our discussion was, that mediation could [...]
Tips and Tricks in Mediation
Let mediation do the job for you Arthur Trossen, an experienced practicing mediator, longstanding trainer in mediation, researcher and editor of books about mediation also known in Latvia, shows ways through mediation making it not just a secure and professional but even more an elegant processing for the mediator as well as for the parties. […]
Mediator’s challenge
A gut feeling might be causing some interest in mediation. Eventually reasoned by the idea to get rid of all those useless struggles when fighting for or against something or somebody. Imagine there was a world where people understand each other. Could that be a solution for something? Is it a picture you like because you know that things will [...]
Conflict resolution – a big job
The new year’s conflict resolutions That’s the title of a contribution I accidentally found in the web. It surely meets best intentions. Those rules of conflict resolution sound like an agenda. Is it an agenda to happines and health? Wishing health and happiness at least was the purpose of that article (look here: Article). I do wonder how obeying rules [...]
New branding
In 2014 we decided to renew our brand. Truly, the old one was very significant. But a bit complicated in use, because it was difficult to have it in a square format asnd to make it small. We also wanted to have a clear and unique appearance fitting better to our seöf-understanding. […]
Medi & Ator: Christmas Mediation II
It becomes a custom that the IM presents a meaningful Christmas story like seasons greetings to its members every year. This is the first time we offer the story of Medi & Ator in English now too. We like to share this kind of fun and contemplation with our members and people abroad as well. The background: Medi & Ator are [...]