News and contributions
From the world of integrated mediation
Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.
Mediation in Japan
I was interested how mediation is to be done in Japan. My friend Akio sent me the informtion wanted and I am pleased to share it with you. The source of information is at least […]
International Business Arbitration
A postgraduate in International Business Arbitration at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) Academic Year 2010-2011. For more information see:
European Mediation Training
The importance of the free movement of persons and the proper functioning of the internal market, in particular concerning the availability of mediation services in cross-border disputes, was an important point on the agenda of the European Directive 2008/52/EC of 21 May 2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters. Within that context the European Commission decided [...]
Justice’s Project
Integrated Mediation in Family cases Correctly the title of the project is extendes by the region whare that project took place. It happened in the whole distroict of the higher court of appeal in Rhineland-Palatine. In that project 21 family judghes have been trained in mediation. The idea was to empower them using mediation skills at court - not like [...]
Divorce Management
An Integrated Use of Mediation I’d like to present a very useful experience as a source for some ideas and projects regarding the practice of divorcing in Europe. You might detect a legal concept behind this, heading to a specific handling of family cases respecting DR and ADR. It is called divorce management, an integrated use of mediation. […]
Mediation in Estonia
This mind map was used as a basis for presentation on last Integrated Mediation Conference (Dec. 2009), in Altenkirchen . Although map includes the yesterday and tomorrow of the state of art in Estonia, the present day situation is viewable on screen. The hot news are the passing a Conciliation Act in Nov. 2009. Arno Baltin