News and contributions
From the world of integrated mediation
Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.
What might be the genitiv of Mediation in Latin. Is it mediationis? Überwiegend wird die Auffassung vertreten, Mediation komme aus dem Lateinischen und hieße Vermittlung. Wie lautet der Genitiv? Der Blick in das Lateinwörterbuch sollte das Problem lösen. Aber genau da fängt das Problem an. Erst nach langen Recherchen habe ich in einem Online Wörterbuch den Begriff "mediatio" gefunden. Mediatio heißt [...]
Experts for Bulgaria
lokking forward to join an EU project with partners from Bulgaria, we are looking for experts in mediation, who want to participate. Please contuct us if you are interested.
Mediation Law in Germany
There is a draft law available now in Germany concerning mediation. The source you find here […]
Unity is Strength
Relauch of the web-page. Unity is strength is our motto. Come in and see.
Only a Step of Evolution
Ergebnisse des 5. Kongreses integrierte Mediation in Piesport
State of the art?
Today I added all the members of integrated mediation in order to allow access to our Intranet. Sorry if my invitation letter just is in German language. I am still working on making our Blog international. But I think, its on the way 😉