
News and contributions

From the world of integrated mediation

Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.

1002, 2011

Germany’s next step to mediation law

By |10/02/2011|Categories: Newsletter (en)|0 Comments

Some great news came up in Germany. The government concluded the draft of a mediation law. Now its up to the parliament to set in in force. It is not to be expected, that the law will be changed now tremendously. It might take until April or May approximately until that law comes in force. […]

1901, 2011

Trainers wanted for Latvia!

By |19/01/2011|Categories: Offer|0 Comments

In coorperation with our sister association Integreta Mediacija Latvia we are going to build up in Riga an education for advanced mediators in Latvia. This training will continue the education started with an EU project, that happened in 2006/2007. We will obey the standards given by the DFfM and of course the Code of Conduct for Mediators. Who is interested [...]

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