News and contributions
From the world of integrated mediation
Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.
The code of integrated mediation
We happily concluded the new standards of mediation and integrated mediation. Unfortunately those standards are available in German only till now. We will take care to have them in English soon. For those who like to read them in German look here please: Der IM Codex
The new IM board
A new board has been elected by the members of Integrated Mediation during the annual meeting the 31st of March. Brigitte Komescher became the new member of the board. Arthur Trossen and Ralf Käppele has been reelected. The new board now is: 1. Chairman: Arthur Trossen, 2. Board Member: Ralf Käppele, 3. Board Member: Brigitte Komescher (siehe Foto).
It works
Iran loves Israel Wow, I think, this initiative has to be appreciated. It is courageous, daring, original and most of all, it is loving. It proves that people come together seeking for peace. Some people do express interest and need. If politicians were able to negotiate the needs before solutions are feared, they lived a little piece of mediation. However, [...]
IM and EuroNetMed Event
There will be a briefing of the project “EUROPEAN NETWORK OF MEDIATORs FOR CROSS BORDER DISPUTE RESOLUTION” the 30th of March. This meeting will be combined with the annual meeting of integrated mediation, which will take place the 31st of March. Participation is public and free. We are happy to invite and welcome YOU. [...]
What’s the opposite of “good”
Karl Kraus once said: “The opposite of good is not bad, but well meant.” The saying is also attributed to Kurt Tucholsky, who reportedly said: “The Opposite of Good is not meant evil but good.” […]
Mediation as Arabic settlement of conflicts
According to an article by Michael Peel and Simeon Kerr in FINANCIAL TIMES (Thursday, November 3, 2011, page 11 with the title: ”Dubai courts legal riches”) Dubai is trying to create another international arbitration centre next to well-known locations and arbitration courts in Stockholm, Switzerland, Paris and other. The unusual approach is that Dubai opens its existing international financial court [...]