News and contributions
From the world of integrated mediation
Please note that only news and articles that are relevant to the international part of the association are posted here. You can find more and up-to-date information about integrated mediation on the national pages.
Newsletter reloaded
If you have missed in the previous newsletter, we ask your indulgence. If you still do not get any more newsletters, we ask for registration (<a href=””> please login here </ a>). We have changed the newsletter system and optimized for you. […]
Mediation in Europe
Overview of the Regulations on Mediation in Europe One of the results of the EuroNetMed project is the analysis of the state of legislation in the various countries of the EU. Here you will find information on the current state (May 2012) of regulations in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. There are at [...]
Ways to Cooperation
In Estonia mediation is on the way as well. This is a lecture of Arthur Trossen about mediation at the university in Tallinn. The subject is about how to deal and implement mediation in conflict culture. […]
IM now has an English-language Facebook page:
IM is moving
The community feeling became visible. There was the idea of something we could achieve in common. Therefore this annual meeting was a good opportunity to conclude the next steps of development. […]
European mediator’s network is on the way
„EuroNetMed“ is an EU project concerning the Establishment of a Network for cross border mediators. The idea is to built up a platform where competence, knowledge and contacts can be found where people have to resolve international or intercultural disputes. Partners and stakeholders met the 3oth and 31st of March in Altenkirchen (Westerwald). […]