Integrated Mediation International
Experiencing Mediation in the World
One must experience mediation to understand what it achieves. Integrated mediation must be experienced to comprehend that mediation is possible anytime and anywhere. We live mediation and don’t just talk about it. Integrated Mediation (abbreviated as in-Mediation) is not only a compelling mediation concept but also an international association of mediators with a unique approach to understanding and conveying understanding, from which you too can benefit.
Understanding is possible everywhere
Overall, several countries have already turned to the idea of integrated mediation. We have more than 800 members and even more followers and friends worldwide. Various locations have emerged, stretching from Argentina well into Central Asia and spanning more than 10 time zones.
Mediation is very culture dependent. Integrated mediation can address this very well. We learn from each other. What we have in common is the desire for a better coexistence.
Our international language is English. The International Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the international locations. In coordination with the board, he is responsible for all questions relating to the foreign branches and is the contact person and is responsible for international cooperation within and outside of Integrated Mediation. Your contact person is Mudar Adas.

Where Everything Comes Together

Integrierte Mediation is Integrated Mediation
The association Integrierte Mediation e.V. was founded in Germany in 2001. It is the origin of the idea which became a movement. The German association serves as the central hub and starting point for integrated mediation international.
The association has more than 570 members in Germany alone, making it one of the prominent mediation and mediator associations.
We explore mediation, ensure high-quality training, research and practice. We also facilitate the application of mediation beyond the mediation process, making it universal. This is what makes the concept of Integrated Mediation so compelling.
International Locations
The term “locations” refers to the organizational presence of Integrated Mediation in respective countries. Within countries, such as Germany, these locations can be further subdivided into organizational units, such as regional groups. The branches and representations abroad that are affiliated with us at the country level (arranged by date of establishment) are:
What’s in it for us?
If we continue to think the way we do before, it is clear where the world will develop. The world is changing. We can hope for a coincidence or do something about it. A change in thinking is required to choose a different path. Integrated mediation leads to a rethink. Everyone benefits from this: the mediator, the parties, the societies and the global community. Just get in touch with us. It is worth it!