Arbil in Kurdistan-Irak

ADR Conference. Efficient conflict resolution in civil trade and family cases

This was the headline of a 2-day conference about mediation and ADR in Arbil. The foundation of international cooperation in law in Bonn, briefly called IRZ, was the NGO which made this conference possible. During the 9th and 10th of Ferbruary the German experts Prof. Dr. Frank Diedrich, Dr. Reiner Ponschab und Arthur Trossen, explained to their Iraqi collegues about the face of ADR in Europe.

The conference was a great success. It was an exchange of experiences around conflict resolution. Mediation we haven’t found in Iraq but a lot of different procedures which are called arbitration. In Fact they are a kind of justice beside the regular courts. Arbitration in an international sense is not developed sufficiently. Especially the results are not to be enforced in Iraq. The participants of the conference were very interested and for sure they want to learn more about mediation. What do we want more?